HttpWatch Automation Reference - Version 15.x
Using HttpWatch Automation with C# / C# - Accessing Data in a Log File / C# - Overview of Data Retrieval
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    C# - Overview of Data Retrieval
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    This section describes the six main classes used to retrieve data from an HttpWatch log file (.hwl) or from the Log property of the Plugin object.

    Please refer to the Class Diagram to visualize the relationships between the classes described here.

    Log Class

    The Log object is the starting-point of a hierarchy that is used to hold the information recorded by HttpWatch.

    It contains a number of properties that provide information about the whole log file, e.g:

     The other properties in this class are used to access the page groups and HTTP transactions that were recorded:

    Pages Class

    The Pages class contains a list of Page objects - one for each page group that was recorded in the log file.

    This class is one of the collection classes covered in Using Collection Classes. It has only two properties; the Count property which returns the number of Page objects and the Item property which returns a single Page object at a time from the collection. 

    Page Class

    The Page class holds a page group that relates to the loading of a specific web page:

    • Entries contains a list of the HTTP transactions required to download the page
    • Title is the HTML title of the pad that was loaded
    • Dynamic is a boolean property that indicates if this page was a dynamic update to an existing web page (e.g. it was modified by AJAX or JavaScript).
    • Unknown is set to true if this Page object actually contains a single request that was not directly associated with a window or tab in the browser. (E.g. a request to download an icon for a bookmark or location bar.)
    • Started, StartedSecs and StartedDateTime all return information about the  time at which the download of this page was started
    • Events contains any page level events that were recorded during the loading of the page (e.g. Page Load, Render Start)

    Entries Class

    The Entries class contains a list of Entry objects- one for each HTTP transaction that was recorded in the log file or associated page group.

    Like the other collection classes it has properties for accessing the data objects it contains - the Count property which returns the number of Entry objects and the Item property which returns a single Entry object at a time from the collection. 

    The Entries object also has a another property, the Summary property, which returns summary information about the HTTP requests in this Entries object (see the Summary Class section below)

    Entry Class

    The Entry class represents a single HTTP transaction. The most commonly used properties are:


    Summary Class

    The Summary class holds summary information about all the HTTP requests in an Entries collection such as:


    See Also